Frequently Asked Questions

Micropigmentation is a form of medical/cosmetic tattooing it is not as invasive as a regular tattoo and it is a completely different process and uses a different type of needle and ink. SMP equipment only penetrates the epidermal layer of the skin making it a lot less painful than a tattoo.
Our pigments are made of organic non-toxic ingredients so there should be no adverse effects. If you have extremely sensitive skin, we recommend a patch test prior to treatment.
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, there will be redness for a few hours up to 48 hours following treatment. The colour will also appear darker until is settles.
No one can fully guarantee how long the results from Scalp Micropigmentation will last. Everybody is different, and the rate in which your body removes the pigmentation will vary. However, proper aftercare maintenance such as hats and sunscreen will help to maintain your results and will allow your treatment to last up to 3 years before requiring a touch up.
Yes, we are experts at customizing the ink to make a perfect match for each individual.
Each individual will have a different pain tolerance. The pain level most clients experience from micropigmentation is between 2-4 out of 10, nowhere near the pain of a tattoo. The needle is much smaller and is only in the skin for a fraction of a second for each follicle.